Connect | Grow | Serve | Transform
It is deeply our desire to see all people and churches functioning with insight, foresight and revelatory effectiveness in God’s Truth. Being Strategic in Prayer, Ministry and their Witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Challenging us as disciples to Live, teach and be examples as Ambassadors representing the Kingdom of God with Accountability and Sacredness.
Mission: Remnant International Christian Ministries believe that “Our Mission is to transform followers into Leaders.” Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said,’ and I will make you fishers of Men.”
Remnant International Christian Ministries believes and promotes education, community outreach, advocacy for social justice, economic development, personal and spiritual development.
“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of Life and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7 ESV
Vision Statement: We are a Faith Based Christian Ministry, dedicated to preaching and teaching to the lost and hopeless. While equipping those through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to proclaiming a message of healing, deliverance, Restoration and Salvation to ALL people, creed and nation.
Our Vision: The Remnant is called to restore and build up the foundations which shall continue for all generations. We are mandated to repair and rebuild the breach. We are called to lead others into the infallible truth and Love of God. We are called to minister to the brokenhearted, wounded and loss, while establishing hope to the fatherless generation of Sons and daughters. We are called to set free those abused and rejected by religious systems to know the true Love of the Father. We are called to restore and align wounded Shepherds and Pastors to experience the true love and Healing of the Father. We are called to join and reunite Kingdom leaders in the Body of Christ, to restore honor and Trust and Accountability. We are called to rebuild those broken, hopeless and dysfunctional families, churches, cities and nation by Re-establishing the foundation of Jesus.
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